“God places the lonely in families.” Psalm 68:6

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Show me my brudder...

Ems and I are just hangin in the basement. Got some "dancing queen" goin in the background with Ellie and Ryan dancing some sweet sprinkler----lawn mower---moves.

She brings the globe over to me. Says "mom, show me my brudder." (Brother)
She puts one finger on Ethiopia and one on Ohio. She thinks.
"Mom, when you DO go dhere (there), it's a loooong loooong way. Will the car ride even be longer than Hilton Head?"
(Love that!)

I explain that I will be flying on a plane...giggling at her innocence. She then realizes I will be gone more than one day and opens her mouth wide: "oh no mom. You're gonna have to sleep dhere!!!!

And the food...what will you EAT?"

A short conversation like this with my 5 year old babe makes me smile and so so excited that she will be a big sister to yet another little dude. Her questions/understanding about adoption keep me pure and simple as we wait...and pursue.

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