“God places the lonely in families.” Psalm 68:6

Monday, March 4, 2013

"Do not be Discouraged"

We know when the title of an email from Lifeline, our adoption agency, begins that way, that a somewhat discouraging email is about to follow.

We did not move spots last month and remain #46, the same as last month. Yes, discouraging indeed. It's "funny," for lack of a better word, that we envisioned getting our referral sometime this spring. Now that we're approaching spring, we're feeling less hopeful about that. The reason our agency gave us, for the slow month of February was this:

"West Sands Adoptions received their renewed 3 year license to continue adoptions in Ethiopia!  In addition, many orphanages also went through the license renewal process – so that also impacted the amount of referrals given this month.  The courts were on a delay in February but they are open and processing cases again."

So....that's actually all good stuff! Adoptions are still moving... and healthy... and HAPPENING in Ethiopia!! The courts still have a good relationship with our main agency. And, even BETTER...we have two friends that received their referrals from Ethiopia last month. Neither live in Toledo or are using our agency, but they both found out who their son/daughter will be. It is unbelievable the joy and excitement Ryan and I feel for them. We can't wait for our turn, but we love to see families get to take steps closer in becoming whole and complete. 

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