“God places the lonely in families.” Psalm 68:6

Thursday, March 21, 2013


It's just fun to hear stories about other families who have adopted, or are in the process like us. It's fun to know that having a family that doesn't all look alike isn't the MOST abnormal thing in the world. It's fun to see adopted kiddos become so acclimated to their families. It's fun to hear my girls, and even Griff, talk about Ethiopia, ask about their brother, and even remind me of this little guy out there somewhere.

Last night Ryan and I were heading out for a life group night. Ellie was upset about us leaving her behind, with a babysitter (which I found out hours later was because she had a major puke-fest brewing in her). I told her that although we NEED to go out sometimes, just mommy and daddy, there are no other people in the entire world I want to be with more than her, Emma, and Griff...and of course daddy. She said to me "uhhhhhh....and who elsssssse?" I said "ummmmm, Jesus?" :)

Ellie's response: "no mom, our brother in Ethiopia! We don't know him yet but you know that if you could pick one other person you'd want to be with all the time it would be HIM, right?"

Loved that.

So, even though these days of waiting are ohhhh so long and seemingly endless, we still get to enjoy the stories of friends and acquaintances walking in this with us. And we get to look forward to "the day" with our kids. They will never forget this time of waiting and preparation. The lessons we will learn...!!!!

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