“God places the lonely in families.” Psalm 68:6

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

From lifelinechild.org

Our adoption agency has a great adoption blog. This entry jumped at me. Says so perfectly what Ryan and I have talked about many times...the process of incorporating ALL of our kids into the SNOW family. Makes me excited to someday know who this little dude will be...

"People often say that Nathan is “lucky” that we adopted him.  Frankly, as his momma I find this mildly irritating, but I appreciate the compliment and spirit behind it.  But I’m floored.  WE are so blessed to have this amazing boy as our son.  Blessed by the painful sacrifice of his birthmom.  Blessed that God worked in so many incredible ways to make this adoption happen.  I hope that it goes both ways.  I want to bless my boy.  I think a beautiful picture of family is each member giving to the rest, everyone blessed and thankful to be a part.

I guess the sticky part for me is that I seldom hear people telling biological kids that they’re lucky to be in their family.  I don’t want my son to grow up with a sense of unworthiness or debt hanging over his head.  (“You’re so lucky…you’d better be _____.”)  Family shouldn’t come with strings attached.  And the gift goes both ways.
At the same time, I don’t want to overindulge him, and treat him in ways that would hinder him later in life."

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