“God places the lonely in families.” Psalm 68:6

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Get Outa Town!!!!

That's what I said when I opened my email today. 

And then I screamed. 

T'was a good day and a good report for our monthly update. 
Our hearts are racing a bit tonight, and we have a bit more of a kick in our steps---as we moved 16 whole spots in July!!!!

Yesssss! Praise God for this news. And, moving those 16 spots actually puts us right at #16 on the list now. 

Only 15 people ahead of us. 15 more people who are waiting for their face, name, and picture, to show up in their inbox. Maybe only 10 or 12 are requesting 0-2 boys like us...? 

My mind kind of skips to the what-if's at this point...now anticipating a quicker timeline than we were even just 2 months ago. 

So, unless for some reason referrals stop happening altogether the next two months, we could very well be "meeting" (via email) our little dude oh so soon. :)

Once our agency matches us with a child, very soon after we receive our court date and book flights to travel to Ethiopia for trip #1.

Lots of joy and smiles at the Snow household tonight. We celebrated with a game of PIG under the basketball hoop, and some leftover ice cream pie. It was a little bit easier tonight, for us to imagine our little man joining the fun (or complete chaos) before too long. 
Psalm 16 is appropriate tonight. For a lot of reasons. Not only is 16 the magic number today, but this was the Psalm I read in its entirety to Linda, my mother-in-law, the last time I ever saw her. It was a moment I will never forget and treasure that we shared together before she went to be with Jesus. She would be rejoicing with us tonight as well. This I am certain. 

"Lord, you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing. You guard all that is mine. The land you have given me is a pleasant land. What a wonderful inheritance! I will bless the Lord who guides me; even at night my heart instructs me. I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.  No wonder my heart is glad, and I rejoice. My body rests in safety." (Psalms 16:5-9 NLT)