“God places the lonely in families.” Psalm 68:6

Thursday, January 3, 2013


So, we always look forward to the first of the month, because that's when our agency sends us an update on our placement on the list. I checked my email WAY too many times on New Year's Day. But it came. :)

We moved up 5 more spots... and 9 total referrals were given the month of December!! We continuously feel blessed and satisfied as we see MOVEMENT each month. Having said that, each month that passes, we get more anxious to find out who this little guy will be. Ryan and I are still truly at peace in this waiting time, as we know it's valuable and worth a lot. So many other friends/bloggers/writers out there who have adopted say that we won't really understand all of the lessons we will have learned throughout this waiting time, until it's over. I know the day will come when we have a face and a name and an age. THAT will be the day I want to buy a plane ticket and go to get him, without the ability to just go and do that. We have a lot to learn in this.

Please pray for Ryan and I that God would slowly be lifting the veil to what He has for us in this season. 

We hear super encouraging stories of well acclimated children in American homes, and we hear stories that aren't quite so uplifting. There are both scenarios out there. What we are specifically praying NOW is that God will select--hand pick--this guy to be a perfect fit for our family. His personality, his stubbornness (we all tend to have a bit of that), his love for good food, his character...right on down to his sleep schedule...that we would just fit. We are up for whatever the lesson is or the challenge ahead of us. But we pray for just a perfect fit. 

Thanks for walking this road with us. :)

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