A few more spots indeed!
We went from #45 on April 1 to #42 on May 1. These aren't the kind of jumps we're praying for, as we were moving 6-10 spots each month when we first jumped on board...BUT, we are moving. Praise God for that; we are moving!
I say that every month, but it's true...there is growth. And we stand steadfast as life moves on.
Ryan and I were taking a walk yesterday and talked about what "our ideal" would be as we look forward to the next 12 months in this journey. (We also have people ask us this question all the time).
This is what we're hopeful for, what we'll pray for, and what we'd love to have you pray along with us:
That we would average 5 or more spots per month for the next season.
That we would travel to meet our son for the first time around Christmas/the New Year.
That we would bring home our little guy by this time next year, which would put us in the 2.5 year time frame of start---finish.
We are VERY well aware of the emotional implications of having ANY mental timeline in the adoption process. It's not always wise and it's almost never realistic. We have friends who have graciously fallen within the average 2--2.5 year process of a typical adoption. We also have friends who have brought home their child much sooner...and much later.
The bottom line is that we have not grown weary and we have not grown impatient. We have great joy in our hearts as we imagine how our family will change.
And...our family is already changing. We are THRILLED that we will have a niece "home" from China in the next 6 months, Jenna Jean Preston will be joining the Snow/Preston family very soon. We could not be more excited to meet this girl and watch as Ryan's sister/brother-in-law take the first steps in becoming a new mom and dad once again.
You see, there is much to be celebrated and we have reasons for great joy!!